Thursday, January 5, 2006

Paris Hilton mother Kathy plans a movie career

Kathy Hilton

Paris Hilton's mother Kathy plans a movie career at the age of 46 after being considered to play a tough agent in a new thriller. Kathy turned her back on her acting dreams at 19 when she wed Hilton heir Rick Hilton and now is keen to start acting again.

Kathy's got the perfect combination of class and cool, sophistication and power. She's read the script and is very interested.
- says a source -

Meanwhile, Kathy Hilton became a reality TV star in America last year when she hosted 'I want to be a Hilton'.

In other news, Paris Hilton is accused of lying about an altercation with a romantic rival at a London nightclub, and harassing a business promoter in two lawsuits set for court this month.


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